Wednesday, November 13, 2013

S.P.I.C.E & S.A.G.E

 S.P.I.C.E stands for Special Programs of Interest and Concern to Elders over the age of fifty. They provide activities that are educational about things, such as the arts and humanities. They also do social activities, such as lunches and nights out. The group was created with the intention of primarily focusing on elders and providing them with a variety of different things that would satisfy their still craving interests. Any member of Temple Beth-El and outsiders are allowed to join the group for a small fee and as long as they meet the age requirement.

Some activities they doing or did do are -

October 7th

  • 11:00 am -> Rabbi Schindler - "Jewish Humor"
  • 12:00 pm -> Lunch - assorted quiches/salad/dessert 
  • 12:45 pm -> Mark Washburn, satirical columnist, The Charlotte Observer
In November, they are going to the North Carolina Zoo and have a presentation by Suly Chenkin, a Holocaust survivor. 

S.A.G.E doesn't stand for anything specific but their motto or theme right now is "A Senior Celebration of Our Wisdom and Our Lives." The group shows appreciation for the transition in aging, it teaches others that there is much good involved in it and how to continue developing yourself as a person in order to pass on a legacy to others. The group develops activities that educate elders on the different life cycles, primarirly the ones after marriage, with a Jewish overtone. The group also offers Hebrew classes to those that never really learned it, there are beginning and intermediate levels. 

Some activities they are doing or did do are - 

  • The Journey of our Relationship to Judaism - Family and Relationships - The Value of Work
  • Gratitude: Appreciating our Blessings and Finding Joy - The Value of Community and Temple
  • Giving Back and Building for Others - The Legacy of our Lives and the Measure of our Success
  • Closing the Circle - Being at Peace and the Seven Questions Tradition Teaches You Will Be Asked After You Die 
There are many groups out there, such as this two, that provide support, activities, interaction and everything that someone aging could ever need. 

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